Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Baby steps

I have been spending a lot of time in the presence of God, lately.  Desperation does that.  When you are desperate, it is best to be desperate for God.  I have been on my face pleading with Him to show me His glory, His forgiveness, His love, His pleasure, His faithfulness and His sufficiency.  What He has done is He has lifted me from the miry clay, rinsing me in His oil of joy, drying me with His tender hands, and pushing me back off the ledge to "try again". 

I have found restoration within my soul.  I have a sense of freedom.  Although I am not always happy about what is going on around me, I have a joy bubbling up inside of me like a wellspring.  I am excited that God's desire is for me to be the fullest version of who He created me to be.  I feel the dead weight of my baggage being carted away from me - bit by bit, not all at once, mind you. 

I pray the same for you...  Close your eyes for a moment.  Imagine drinking deeply of His truth.  Opening your hands and releasing your burdens to Him who died for them.  And, being free...

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