Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Free Indeed

"We can only love because we are born out of love, that we can only give because our life is a gift, and that we can only make others free because we are set free by Him whose heart is greater than ours"

I don't know about you, but Daddy has been transforming my life, my heart, my ways in the past several weeks. Many of you know what it is like to be a parent. When you have your first child, your heart overflows with an in-dwelling of love. You know without a doubt that you could love no bigger. But, now imagine another child. What happens? Does this mean that you have no love left for your second child. I have imagined this scenario many times in my heart and head. I think it comes from a place of disbelief that Daddy loves us all so completely and so individually. What Daddy has been teaching me over these past several weeks is that He purposed us into existence. He thought of each one of us before we were born. He dreamily created us in His mind before creating us with His hands. He envisioned our gifts and abilities. He knit us into our mothers womb as a one-and-only creation. What I have come to realize is that after child number 1 our heart doesn't wither up and die. It expands. It lengthens, widens, deepens. It grows larger to love another equally. We are different people, you and I. It doesn't make us better than another. Our gifts aren't more usable than another. We are loved the same by the King of Kings. He is fond of us all. We are all His favorites.

I ask that during these next weeks and months, that you forge your identity in Christ - with truth as your guide, not lies from the past, not the identity that others have spoken over you. I pray that you give yourself an honest assessment of how you feel about yourself and then note the truth of our Daddy: He says, "I enjoy you, I love you, I desire you, I delight in you and I made you exactly the way that I planned."

My heart is to see the captives set free. By that, I mean that I want to see my brothers and sisters in Christ living/walking in freedom. Living a victorious life. You have overcome the past. I pray that you are drinking deeply of His promises, of His truth, of life abundant.

Daddy, help us do as You do. Help us love as You love. Help us say as You say. Help us pray as You pray.

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